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“Low Moor the beginning of a journey” by Norman Ellis, first published in 1996. £5.00 + P&P
Norman Ellis (1910-2002) lived in and around Low Moor all his life. This book tells the story of his growing up there during the years 1910 to 1926.

“Towards Little Germany” by Norman Ellis first published in 1997 £4.00 + P&P
This book takes up the story in 1927 when he became an office junior in a stuff warehouse in the Little Germany area of Bradford

“Any more fares, please?” by Kenneth J Clayton was first published in 1999. £5.00 + P&P.
Kenneth is Bradford born and bred. On his return from war service in 1946 he reluctantly took a job with Bradford corporation Transport Department as a conductor – and stayed for 21 years. In this book he shares his adventures and reminisces on subjects ranging from tram conductor school to Bank Holiday specials and life in the mess room. If you remember the days when buses had conductors; when you could “leg on” the back platform of a departing bus or the fun and games associated with trolley bus wires, then you’ll enjoy this journey into the past.

“Around and about Low Moor” first published in 2002 £6.00 + P&P
This is a collection of memories gathered from members of the Low Moor Local History Group, covering varied topics spanning much of the twentieth century. It also contains some photos of the district

Images of Wyke and Low Moor” was first published by Tempus Books in 2005 and is now out of print but you may find copies on Amazon or Abe Books. In the Images of England Series this is a collection of over 200 archive photographs, most never before published. They highlight some of the changes and developments that have taken place in and around the villages of Wyke and Low Moor near Bradford. It was compiled the respective local history groups of Wyke and Low Moor and will delight those who want to know more about the history of these two villages and evoke memories of a bygone time.

“A Look at Old Low Moor” DVD first produced 2008 £5.00 + P&P
Many of the Images which appear on the website can be viewed on your TV via a DVD player

“Iron Poppies” £7.00 + P&P
The book includes research on each of the 109 men whose names appear on the war memorials in the Low Moor area of Bradford. Its authors are Barbara Reardon and Lucy Ives whose meticulous research brings alive many forgotten stories of bravery and loss. It is an A4 book of 160 pages in a clear, larger than average font. There is a section on each man detailing his family and background, with photographs of many of the men and their graves. There is a section detailing where graves and memorial inscriptions can be found together with photographs of the war memorials of Low Moor and many of the cemeteries in Belgium and France.

“Yellow Poppies" - £9.00 plus P&P
The Low Moor Munitions Explosion in 1916 was said to be an accident waiting to happen. This book details the lives of all those killed in the explosion and those who received honours as a result. The "yellow" in the title refers to the fact that the munitions workers skin and hair was turned yellow by their working with picric acid.

“Aldersgate Methodist Church – the first 50 years" £10.00 plus P&P
Join us on a half century journey – from 1970 when Oxley Place and Wesley Place churches united as Aldersgate, to the erection of the new building in 1974 and through to the present day – just before the invasion of the coronavirus.
There are 166 A4 size pages, containing over 200 colour and black and white photographs of people and events. Complete with an Index of approximately 350 surnames.

Lowdown on Low Moor - £13.00 plus P&P
During lockdown, authors Mary and Geoff Twentyman, re-visited research done for a project to provide information boards for the new Low Moor Station which didn't materialise. They added greatly to the original material and did new research to make this a must-have resource for those interested in the area.
The book is A4 format with a clear typeface and has 212 pages with many colour photographs,

Low Moor Lad - £10.00 plus P&P
Author Richard Poole was born in St Luke's Hospital, on New Year's Day 1943. He arrived just before midnight, with the result that photographers waiting for a shot of a New Year baby had decamped shortly before he arrived. He likes to claim that he has been a late developer ever since. He spent his childhood in Low Moor living at Mineral Cottage on Abb Scott Lane. In this unusual memoir of his first eleven years of life, Richard writes about his family, friends and schooling in what he recalls as a semi-urban, semi-rural setting. Richard is a novelist, poet, literary critic and editor and the author of the fantasy trilogy, The Book of Low Moor.
The book is A5 format with 176 pages and includes family photographs and images of some of the places mentioned in the book.
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